Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness. 

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!


Download the Free 'Awareness Journey' WORKSHEET.

Needs Directory

Identify your need from the list below and click on it for a list of appropriate site resources. The tools marked with ** are more detailed workbooks, 'how to' processes and email programs. (updated 5/16)

  - Journal Writing
Control, Order, Planning, Time, Goals, Willpower
  - intuit and DO IT Manifesting Methods

Peace, Stillness and Meditation

  - Stress and Energy
  - Depression, Despair
  - Balance
  - Decision Making
   - Purpose
Health and Healing
 - Subconscious programming
  - Write Your life

Creativity and Intuition
Manifesting and Creating Results

Spiritual Growth
  - Meditation

  - Relationship Development
  - Forgiveness
  - Communicating

** A Journey of Self Awareness Email Program - Awaken to new dimensions of who you are!
** KNOW Yourself Workbook
- Find out "Who Am I?"
** Awareness Process on One Page
- Learn to go deeper and to be more expansive
Awareness Exercises List - Push your awareness limits
Know Yourself Quotes - Know Yourself through awareness
Self Acceptance List - Embrace life more fully
Defense Mechanisms List - What are your defense mechanisms?
Early Warning Signals List - Become more aware before it happens
Sensory Stimulus List - How many sensory inputs do you use?
Human Life Cycles List - Have cycles working for you, not against you
Indexer, Tracker Tool - Measure what is important to you. See how you are progressing.
Radar Trap Tool - Catch yourself in the act. Enhance your awareness.
Stream of Consciousness Tool - Awaken your awareness.
Feeling Finder Tool - Add more dimension to your feeling nature.
Being Present Quotes - Be here now
Self Awareness Quotes - Know yourself through awareness
How Are You Sabotaging Yourself? Article - How do you undermine your integrity and commitments?
Also see ... Journaling

Control, time, goals, order, planning, willpower
** 'intuit and DO IT' Manifesting Methods Email Program - Create your own manifesting system that works for you.
** Time Management Skills Workbook
- Making the most of your life
** Personal Goal Setting Workbook - Achieving your true potential
** Tracking your Success and Growth Workbook - Attain clarity, focus, meaning and results
** Goals on One Page  - Clarifying what I want in life.
** Time Management on One Page
- Overcome  chaos, procrastination, time wasting and more
** Get Control Email Program - Clarify your goals and manage your minutes with 90 days of emails.
Time Tips and Time Savers List - Time is money and happiness
Time Wasters List - Find the culprits that steal your valuable time
Smart Goals Samples List - Create more results in your life
Dream Day Tool - Idealize your perfect day, week, month, year so you can begin to live them.
"Be Smart" Goal Setting on One Page - A success formula for setting goals.
Log Sheet Tool - Create order out of chaos.
Hot List Tool - Keep handy your list of most important things to journal about.
Creed/Manifesto Tool - Be clear about what you want, who you are, where you are going?  
Action Quotes - Do you act on inspiration?
Change Quotes - Move out of your comfort zone
Planning Quotes - Make today count!
Commitment Questions - Find and plug the holes in your commitment
Daily Review Questions - Be efficient with daily review questions
Weekly Review Questions - Be effective with weekly review questions
Monthly Review Questions - Maintain balance and growth with monthly review questions
Quarterly Review Questions - Focus on holidays, aspirations, life lessons and purpose

Subconscious unraveling and programming
** Unraveling Subconscious Shadows on one page - What are your challenges and life lessons?
** Block Busting Workbook - Build self esteem and break through challenges.
** Feeling Finder Email Series - Clearly identify your reactive emotions, its cause and its cure.
Top 10 Rules of the Subconscious Mind -
Why you are manifesting perfectly 24/7?
Emotions and Feelings List
- Expand your ways of feeling
Ego is List - How does your ego control you?
Excuses and Justifiers List - How do you justify your own limitations?
Fear Types List - Be clear about your exact underlying fears
Limiting Beliefs List - What thoughts hold you back?
Depression Symptoms List - Early warning signals for the blues or sadness
Depression Causes And Triggers List - What triggers your states of sadness
Victim Statements List - How do you sabotage yourself?
Subconscious Influences List - What influences who we are?
Social Influences  List - Do you think or are you being thought?
Male/Female Differences List - Understand yin/yang dynamics
Modeling Tool - Often the indirect route is the best route.
Art Work Tool - Allow your inner artist to share its wisdom.
Dialogue Tool - Converse with whoever and whatever you want.
Poetry Tool - Let the beauty and rhythm of words share their feelings.
Imagery or Captured Moments Tool - Re-experience the depths of peak events.
Fears Quotes - Fearful? That's okay - You can handle it!

Stress and Energy
Stress Reducers List - Attain peace of mind, clarity, control and more
Stress Sources List - What brings you the most stress?
Stress Test List - How stressed are you?
Space Making List - Ways to create more space in your life
Increase Energy List - Have more energy, quality time, results and fun
Losing Energy List - What zaps your energy?
Stress Quotes - Stressed out? Create space!

Creativity and Intuition
** Creative Thinking Workbook - Finding more ways to get what you want
** Creativity Tools on One Page -
This single page will give you lots of new ideas.
** Develop the Mind Email Series - Expand your creativity. Open the door to higher intuition.
Intuition Blocks List - What filters, distorts and stops your intuition?
Intuition and Trust List  - Open to Intuition and higher guidance
Intuition - How to Develop it List - Access your own intuitive guidance.
Creativity Tool List - Solving the idea problem
Top down, bottom up connections Tool - Ground the abstract and find purpose and meaning in the details.
Shifting from Inner to Outer Focus Questions - Questions and tools for increasing action and outer results.
Shifting from Outer to Inner Focus Questions - Questions and tools for being more reflective and relaxed.
Mind Tools List - Find your fun and meaningful ways
Think Different List - Do different things and do things differently
Thinking Methods List - Maximize your strengths, work on weaknesses
Intuitive Resonating Tool - Give a voice to your unconscious.
Lateral Thinking Tool - The fastest way to develop creativity.
Allow Alliteration Tool - Instigate infinite important informative ideas.
Rhyme Time Tool- Find and unwind your kind mind.
Metaphors Tool - There are many creative ways to say the same thing.
List Making Tool - Watch how your mind works. Expand your creativity.
Mind Mapping Tool - Watch your brain work graphically.
Alpha Poems Tool - 26 quick creativity stimulators.
Perspectives Tool - See things differently and make new inner connections.
Trust Quotes - The power of trust

Peace, Stillness and Meditation
** Meditation Email Series - Explore the right type that works for you.
Meditation - What is it? List - Broaden your perspectives
Meditation Benefits List - Peace of mind, healing, illumination and more
Meditation Mantras List - Focus your mind higher to receive more
The Pause Tool - Step back and allow integration to work for you.
Space Making List - Ways to create more space in your life
Stillness Quotes - Find stillness in the busyness
Stillness Questions - Still your mind and busyness and still your life!

** Maintain Balance Email Series -
Stay on top of control,  emotions, creativity, spirituality and money.

Manifesting and Creating
** 'intuit and DO IT' Manifesting Methods Email Program -
Create your own manifesting system that works for you.
** Manifesting Abundance Workbook
- Create the life you want to live
Manifesting on One Page - 9 steps to creating what you desire.
Manifesting Tips - Align with the co-creative forces
Willpower Building Methods List - Learn from small projects first
Self Improvement Tools - The secret tools to your success.
Manifesting Quotes - You are a creator!

Health, Healing
** Block Busting Workbook - Build self esteem and break through challenges.
Unravel Subconscious Shadows on one Page - What are your challenges and life lessons?
** Healing on One Page - Focus on healing the past and feeling better about yourself.
** Tame Emotions Email Series - Break through what holds you back with our 90 day email program.
Body Mind Healing List - Your ailments relate directly to your thoughts
Body Type Reading Methods List - How your body reveals who you are
Unsent Release Letter Tool - A very healing way to let go of the past.
Healing Quotes - A learning and integration process.
Healing the Past with the 4 E’s Article - Heal the past by working with your imagination in the present.

** Journal Writing E-book - An adventure in self discovery
Journaling Benefits List - Attain more clarity, health, ideas
Journaling Tools List - Which of 40 tools work best for you?
One Word Essence Journaling Tool - No time to journal? Write just one word.
Headlining Tool - Use creative 7 word headlines to capture the day.
Regular Check-ups Tool - Regular Check-ups help us stay aware of all aspects of our lives that matter to us.
List Making Tool - Watch how your mind works. Expand your creativity.
Mind Mapping Tool - Watch your brain work graphically.
Journaling for Self Discovery Article - Unleash the power of your heart and mind.
Why Journaling Works Article - Understand how your mind works
Setting Up A Journal Article - Find the ways that work best for you.
A Journaling Process Article - A simple 4 step process give you better results.

** Manifest Prosperity Email Series - Build a progressive foundation over 90 days for increasing self worth and net worth. 
** Manifesting Abundance Workbook - Create the life you want to live
Money - What is it? List - What do you semi-consciously believe about $?
Money Proverbs List - How does society influence your money beliefs?
Money Beliefs List - What did your parents say about money?
Money Victim Statements List - What self talk keeps you broke?
Money Affirmations List - 50 ways to clearly state your abundance
Money Questions - Manage your money

Spiritual Growth
** Life Purpose Workbook - Become your true self
Developing Intuition Workbook - Tap into your own inner wisdom
GROW Yourself Workbook - Spiritual healing of the past. Create your future. Be in the now
Daily Spiritual Living Email Program - Experience your divinity here and now
Open to the Divine Smart Question Coaching Emails - Practice daily spiritual living with 90 days of smart question emails.
** Activating Joy and Love Email Series
- Get your 'Sweet 16' Joy Activators
** Know Your Soul on One Page
- Capture ways in which Soul works through you
** Life Purpose on One Page - Clarify your direction and destiny in life.
** Meaningful Models of Consciousness - The consciousness path has been well defined, as you will see through these common models of consciousness.
** 2 Step Journeys Email Series - We describe the two yin and yang dance steps of life - awareness (experiencing) and manifesting (anchoring) in 30 unique and catchy ways.
** 3 Levels of Consciousness Growth Email Series - Use 30 memorable 3-word mini-journeys to identify and clarify your primary level of consciousness at this time.
** ABC's to XYZ's Email Series - You'll be amazed by these easy, fun alliteration emails that go through the alphabet to identify the processes, pains and potentials on our life path.
Space Making List - How to develop soul
Soul - What is it? List - How do you experience Soul?
Soul Names - What names can you call your higher self?
Spiritual and Material Distinctions List - Understand the differences
Purpose Statements List - Which ones resonate with you?
Values, Qualities and Virtues List - What do you stand for?
Life Question Tool - What question can you ask yourself that will inspire, empower and energize you?
Art Work Tool - Allow your inner artist to share its wisdom.
Dialogue Tool - Converse with whoever and whatever you want.
Poetry Tool - Let the beauty and rhythm of words share their feelings.
5 Why's Guys Tool - How to go deeper to find the truth.
Joy Quotes - Find your joy!
What's the big picture for your life? Article - Challenges make more sense from bigger perspectives.

Decision Making
Decision Making Criteria List
  - A customizable spread sheet for making clearer, more creative and more fun choices.
What's Your Next Growth Step? - A guide to what to take next.
Choice Quotes - What are you choosing for yourself?

Write Your life
** Self Esteem - Write Your Life Workbook - Learn 10 easy-to-use self-understanding tools
Life Themes List - Areas of focus on your life journey
Steppingstones Tool - Create a meaningful life history log.

** Build Healthier Relationships Smart Question Coaching Emails - Explore your role in the dynamics of connecting with the important people in your life. Discover how you can find more satisfaction and fulfillment with others. Receive 20 emails over 40 days.
Challenged by Your Relationships? Good! Article
- See how your soul is the underlying guide to all relationships.
Male/Female Differences List
- Understand yin/yang dynamics
10 Tips for Improving Communication Article - Have more fun and confidence connecting with others
10 Tools to Improve Communication Skills Article - Experience more depth, intimacy and joy

Unsent Release Letters Tool - A very healing way to let go of the past.
Surrender Quotes - Surrender to higher guidance!
Forgiveness Quotes - The first step to forgiveness.