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Ways to Raise and Manifest Consciousness on
Your Life Journey

Updated Jan. 14, 2025

Accelerate Your Growth On Your Life Journey

Offering multiple, short series of punchy emails in your unique style, that progressively guide you through 3 levels of productivity, healing, awareness, intuition, raising consciousness, and manifesting your dreams.

ways to raise consciousness

Raising consciousness does not happen all at once.
And there are many ways to be more open, inclusive,
loving, wise, powerful, intuitive, and the list goes on.
The first step is about developing the WILL Power to unlearn, heal blocks,
and have multiple paths come together for a unifying,
purposeful, meaningful, fulfilling life.

Are you ready to work on your life-long journey to more purpose, guidance, spiritual connection, meaning, joy, intuition, service, love, freedom, power, etc.?

Now completed! A NEW APPROACH - Short, punchy 6-day email series on one Level of 3, using one of the common learning styles. We at Higher Awareness find this approach creates more completion, engagement, pondering, and consciousness raising with short messages.

Consistently master these 12 Personal Powers - Commitment (WILL), self-discipline, focus, knowing and HEALING your blocks, awareness, INTUITION, character building, relating, purpose, spiritual growth, and manifesting.  Rate and track your level of growth and integration. Update it at least every few weeks. We will even remind you and we are here to support you.

CAUTION: The synergy of change in each of these steps is more than additive, so periodic transformational shifts and miracles occur.

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." -- James Allen

As a member, you have access to all of these Life Journeys below and everything on our Higher Awareness website -- over 40 programs and 250 tools and resources.  It's like instantly having your own personal and spiritual growth library of solutions!

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LEVEL #1 of 3 of Your Life Journey in your STYLE
Scattered, stuck, coping, fearful, unhappy,...
Build a solid foundation for growth.
Enhance your WILL POWER - Commitment, Self-Discipline, Focus, and Self Knowledge.

  • PERSONAL POWER Steps for Level #1 on your Life Journey - It is not too late to become the ideal person you dream of. Build an unbreakable base for explosive growth.
  • Life Journey QUOTES - Our best Quotes can't say it any clearer to deepen your personal power of each journey step. Be inspired daily. Experts concisely share their wisdom.
  • Transformational TOOLS and a Life Planning Binder - Use the right tools at the right time for the right reason. Serious about your growth? Now, everything in one, 'GO TO' place.
  • Life Journey Smart QUESTIONS - Answer our smart questions and draw out your own truth about each step of your Life Journey.
  • Life Journey HUMOR - Take a break and enjoy short, punchy humor for each step of your amazing Life Journey. Step back and laugh at life.
  • Life Journey - A SOUL'S Perspective - How does your Soul influence you through each stage of your growth?
    AND other Life Journey reminders:
    Lists of Choices, Soul Coaching, Trips and Traps, Downshifting Consciousness (Manifesting)

LEVEL #2 of 3 of Your Life Journey in your STYLE
Lack of options, low awareness, few life options, committed, accepting,...
Develop confidence, options, and new ways for growth.
Enhance SELF-HEALING, 360 degree awareness, all-knowing intuition, and character building.

  • PERSONAL POWER Steps for Level #2 on your Life Journey - Create  powerful process you can draw on at anytime.
  • Life Journey QUOTES - Hand selected quotes for each Life Journey step. Let these daily inspirations draw out your own inner wisdom.
  • Transformational TOOLS and a Life Planning Binder - These changing times need new ways to heal, grow, and create. Capture and integrate your own higher guidance signals.
  • A Take your Life Journey Level #2 using HUMORHumor has great healing powers. Take a break and enjoy short, punchy humor for each step of your amazing Life Journey. Step back and laugh at life.
  • Take your Life Journey Level #2 from a SOUL Perspective - Let your Soul guide you on your ideal life path. Receive Questions that only your Soul can honestly answer. Awaken to Soul Guidance that knows your way!
  • Take your Life Journey Level #2 with Soul Question Coaching - Draw out your own inner wisdom. Notice how intuition works through you.

LEVEL #3 of 3 of Your Life Journey in your STYLE
Mediocrity, lonesome, unfulfilled, lack meaning,...
Become more fulfilled, meaningful, connected, and peaceful.
Align with INTUITION, group work, being Soul, your 3 life purposes, and how to manifest.

  • PERSONAL POWER Steps for Level #3 on your Life Journey - Attain more meaning, connection, love, fulfillment, and results.
  • Life Journey QUOTES - Be inspired daily. A bigger picture of your life awaits. Let inspirational quotes trigger your greatness.
  • Life Journey HUMOR - Take a break and enjoy short, punchy humor for each step of your amazing Life Journey.
  • Transformational TOOLS and a Life Planning Binder -  Enhance your ultimate 'Power Hour' so you are more guided to amazing miracles, synchronicities, and results.
  • Life Journey Smart QUESTIONS-Your answers are inside of you. Let our questions draw them out. You may be only one question away from who you were meant to be.
  • Take your Life Journey Level #3 from a SOUL Perspective - Let your Soul guide you on your ideal life path. Receive Questions that only your Soul can honestly answer. Awaken to Soul Guidance that knows your way!
  • AND other journey reminders to come: Lists of Choices, Soul Coaching, Trips and Traps, Downshifting Consciousness (Manifesting)
know all of yourself KNOW Yourself In Depth- Our most in-depth program. WHO AM I? - In 3 Levels. KNOW Your Blocks, Limitations, Projections, Ego, Styles,  Assets, Values, Essence, Purpose, Intuition, Soul, Life Lesson, and more. All your results on a summary "WHO AM I" worksheet.

"Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority." -- Tom Hopkins

2 step consciousness journey 2-Step Consciousness Journeys - Eg. - 'Experiencing and Expressing' - We describe the two yin and yang dance steps of life - awareness (experiencing) and manifesting (anchoring) in 30 unique and catchy ways.

This is a powerful and memorable way to help you boost your understanding of duality on our planet. First elevate (your thinking) and then create (from a higher perspective). Or - Intuit and DO IT!  This is such a new concept we need consistent reminders from different perspectives.

3 levels of consciousness 3 Levels of ELEVATING Consciousness - Expand to a more loving, wise, powerful, aware being. Use 24 memorable 3-word, expansive mini-journeys (simple personal development life plans and LIFE MAPS) to identify and clarify your primary level of consciousness at this time. See example below.

Instinct -> Intellect -> Intuition - In our youth we are unconsciously protected and guided by our instincts. Then we grow intellectually as we consciously participate in our world. Over time we learn to trust ourselves and life. When we open to our intuition, we release our need to control and we surrender to higher guidance, peace, joy, and love. This is one of 24 common consciousness raising life journeys.

Advanced Transformational TRUTHS, Tools, and tips - Navigate the Evolving Edge of your consciousness. Delve into deeper levels of healing and awareness. Explore higher levels of intuition, character, purpose, and manifesting. Receive new tools not seen before. New times requires new ways of changing and growing. Things are changing fast. How are you keeping up? What tools fit your style the best? Includes a Life Planning System to keep your results.
3 levels of consciousness3 Levels of DOWNSHIFTING Manifesting Energy and Consciousness - To manifest your dreams, start from essence, cause, and potentials,  Use 24 memorable 3-word mini-journeys (simple personal development life plans and LIFE MAPS) to identify and clarify your primary level of consciousness at this time. We first recommend you take our elevating consciousness series above. See example below.

Purpose -> Meaning -> Activity - Start from a higher, big picture cause like your soul's purpose that in return gives you meaning and direction. Then your new actions are part of the whole instead of working from  disjointed, ego-based goals. Release your need to control and surrender to higher guidance and manifesting your dreams. This is one of 24 common downshifting/manifesting life journeys.

consciousness journeyWhat is Consciousness? -  Understand consciousness and you will understand your world and life. This is a complex, little understood concept.  But with this spiritual approach to consciousness,  you will accelerate your growth and ability to create your dream life. Enjoy the Consciousness Creation Story. Learn how to RAISE consciousness and how to CREATE it (manifest). Know your consciousness metaphors, separators, and signs.  PLUS receive a consciousness worksheet, cheat sheet, & tracking sheet - all on one page.
models of consciousnessMeaningful Models of Consciousness - Through the ages, the consciousness path has been well defined, as you will see through these common models of consciousness.

All is connected and related. Allow your higher mind to make inner connections. Higher connections create higher consciousness and effective manifesting. Understand life more. See how parts finally make sense from the perspective of wholeness.

universal lawsUniversal Laws - Experiencing disorder, inconsistencies, constant changes, challenges, and struggles? That can change as you receive imminent guidance from something bigger, higher and what keeps this harmonious universe orderly, loving, and creative. Align with the harmony and perfect order of the universe and your ideal life, as you begin to fully understand your place in it. The 4 main laws we cover are:

  • #1 - Universal Law of Oneness - All is energy. All is connected.
  • #2 - Universal Law of Duality and Attraction - Open to healing the tensions of dualities and differences from a higher perspective.
  • #3 - Universal Law of Action & Cause and Effect - Ways to materialize your most treasured ideas, visions, and aspirations.
  • #4 - Universal Law of Correspondences, Rhythm and Cycles - Learn how cycles interact so you can naturally be in a flow of handling the ups and downs of life.
Finding Feelings and EmotionsThe Feeling Finder - Explore your distinctions and range of emotions, thinking and behaving. Choose from over 100 progressive ways of experiencing life - What you have felt, how you feel now, and what you aspire to - from fear to love, from ignorance to wisdom, and from victim hood to accountability and powerful service. As an engineer this was my life savior to get out of my rational, judgmental mind into a more compassionate, feeling, heart felt life.
The Human Needs Tree - Whatever your core need is right now we have multiple solutions, tools, inspiration, smart questions, perspectives and choices for you to reach solution, fulfillment and happiness. Whether it is blocks or aspirations we can support you. There is a lot of content on our site. This is a prime way to 'Find Your Own Need and Quickly Fill It'.
consciousness journey5 Ways of Manifesting - You are Manifesting 100% Perfectly Right Now.
Time to know WHY and HOW you keep creating your stuff!
Receive details on each of 5 ways of manifesting and
which ones you use and which ones can work better.
 ABC consciousness journeyABC's to XYZ's - You'll be amazed by these easy, fun, alliteration emails that go through the alphabet to identify the processes, pains and potentials on our life path.

See which consciousness words resonate most strongly with you.

coffee questionsCOFFEE Questions - Take just 5 to 10 minutes with a beverage of your choice in a quiet uninterrupted space and complete our top 9 questions so you get perspective, clarity, direction, and your next steps in life from 6 perspectives. See it as your 10 minute retreat.  It may be your most empowering, insightful, peaceful 10 minutes of the day, week and month. YOU will receive a series of 6 emails with:
  • Daily COFFEE Questions - Put your day under a microscope for improving focus, productivity, completions and decision making.
  • Weekly COFFEE Questions - Regroup in a natural personal cycle and explore efficiency, vulnerability, creativity, relationships and goal tracking.
  • Monthly COFFEE Questions - Put on your binoculars and look at a bigger picture of healing, balance, learning, direction and aspirations.
  • Quarterly COFFEE Questions - Pull out your telescope and look afar at your life lesson, life purpose, dreams, holidays, meaning and service.
  • Yearly COFFEE Questions - Take half a day and do a major life review and planning session,  Have your own quality DIY retreat and celebration.
  • NOW COFFEE Questions - How we do our day, we do our life, so pay attention daily and have some powerful personal daily questions. Get refocused, clear, and grounded as you reset priorities and energy.


As a member, you have access to all of these Life Journeys above and everything on our Higher Awareness website -- over 40 programs and 250 tools and resources.  It's like instantly having your own personal and spiritual growth library of solutions!