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Personal Development Home <-- Consciousness Shifters Collection <-- Self Healing <-- The Feeling Finder

Deep down, what emotions are you really feeling?

Clearly identify your reactive emotions and
be one step closer to its cause and a cure.

What are emotions and how might you manage them?

Are you ready to move through ongoing fears, anger, sadness... in fact, any emotion that is triggered by other people and by life situations?

Our free 'Feeling Finder' list and resources can help you release self sabotaging and limiting emotional reactions so you can enjoy more loving, empowering and creative experiences in life.

Emotions are unconscious reactions based on beliefs formed in early childhood. They control us when our buttons are pushed. We automatically engage in reactive defences, old programs, and limited behaviours that we later regret. But there is a way out!

Higher awareness is crucial:
we can't change what we are not aware of!

Explore the power of our free one-page Feeling Finder to bring you clarity about the source of any emotional distress. With awareness of what's blocking you, you will be empowered to consciously choose new ways of being in the world.
Feeling finder

Receive your free Feeling Finder package and you will:

  • More accurately define how you are feeling and why
  • Receive a powerful awareness process to quickly free you from the grip of upsetting emotions
  • Receive tips to build your awareness of emotional patterns that diminish your quality of life.
  • Identify and experience more positive, empowering, loving and wise feelings and responses.
  • Find ways to invite your higher inner knowing to light your path to freedom.

Experience how awareness techniques move you from negative, limiting emotional reactions to more positive, empowering responses.

Enter your name and email address below and receive for free:

  • a printable PDF of your own one-page Feeling Finder.
  • Two articles on what are emotions, what triggers them and how to manage and heal them.
  • Tips on how to identify and release emotional patterns to improve relationships, work, personal growth and even your health.

As an extra gift, you will receive our most widely-loved offering: our free Inner Journey Inspirational messages. You can cancel at any time.

Feeling Finder

Understand and
expand your
feelings and
reactive emotions.


Harness the power to understand what and why you feel as you do...
and allow this understanding to empower you to
FEEL and BE in CONTROL. Start today!