Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
Email programs descriptions: (All programs available to members)
Journey of Self Awareness - Awaken to new dimensions of who you
are! This inspirational email series will help you go beyond your
self-imposed limits to access more choice and freedom. Some of the
topics covered include breathing, senses, fear, motives,
projections, intuition, trust and communication. A total of 30
emails, 5/week.
Activating Joy, Love and Happiness - Experience ways to go beyond conditional happiness into joy. In emails every 2 days for 6 weeks, we'll offer you:
The definition of joy and how it differs from ordinary happiness
The many benefits of joy and love
Three reminders to use hourly
The 'Sweet 16' Joy Activators with exercises to help you connect with your own joy and happiness.
Lots of inspirational quotes for ongoing support.
Meditation Techniques - Explore different meditation techniques in our basic and advanced meditation series:
The Foundation: Step by step, our basic meditation techniques program will guide you through the fundamentals to calm and focus the mind. With different exercises each week, you will gradually experience new levels of relaxation, focus and concentration. Two emails/week for 3 months.
Paths to Illumination: If you already have an established meditation practice, you'll want to explore our advanced meditation series. Explore beyond visualization into imagination, contemplation, illumination and connection with the Universal. Two emails/week for 3 months.
Not based on any religion or culture, these introductory programs will give you a foundation for a life-long exploration of expanded realms of consciousness.
Daily Spiritual Living - This email program will:
help you understand and bridge the dualities of life - the positives and negatives, the higher road and the lower road.
describe both personality and soul and how to bring them together in full, genuine expression.
support you in grounding spirituality in your everyday living.
awaken you to your authentic self.
open the door to new levels of freedom, power and contentment.
Receive a thought-provoking and inspirational email every 2 days over 2 months.
Smart Questions - a new and exciting concept in awareness and growth!
'Smart Question of the day' ...
Why do questions help us get more out of life?
Meaningful questions mobilize the immense power of your subconscious mind. When you ask a question, your subconscious always answers it. And it draws from unlimited resources and wisdom not directly available to your conscious mind.
Questions focus our thinking. Open ended questions challenge us to discover what might be. They lead us into new territory, rich with potential. They will lead you to the treasure house of wisdom inside you.
Want to clear problems in your life? Want to glimpse and then develop your potential? Grow yourself with our expansive, empowering questions.
Einstein said "The thinking that got you into a situation cannot get you out of it." You need a new source of stimulation - from outside of yourself.
Such power in such a small package!
Each personalized Smart Question of the day email contains:
Watch for regular additions to this list. As a Higher Awareness member, access this complete list of Smart Question Email Series and Email Programs, PLUS hundreds of other personal growth resources.
Smart Question Coaching Series descriptions: (All programs available to members)
We highly recommend that you do a maximum of 2 themes at one time for the greatest effectiveness. You will receive 5 emails per week.
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Higher Awareness, Inc.
Edmonton, AB. Canada T5K 0K6
Phone: 1-780-249-7633 Mountain (GMT-7)
Email: John Robson