This is one of the most powerful websites I have ever seen. Please continue to
help the people of this planet wake up. I believe you are being inspired by spirit.
Thank you for being obedient.
~ CB ~

I am a Chartered Psychologist and psychic. Your site is the most
organized, helpful and constructive aid to self-development I have found to date.
Thank you for being there!
~ AS ~

Excellence and Clarity are the words that begin to describe what
I see in your writing and in the services you offer -- and SO much is offered;
it's strong. ... your work stands out in contrast to anything I've seen on the
~ DM ~

I love your mailings and of the hundreds of things I receive, these
are things I always read, never just delete. I am someone who needs these reminders
and often, these days, am brought back to some level of sanity and faith. Thank
you, again.
~ A ~

Your approach is right on target for me. After years of this psychology,
that philosophy, I've landed at [your] approach that combines spirituality and
cognitive psychology. ... hopefully [this] is a growing state of awareness that
is catching on worldwide. I believe it is. THX.
~ PN ~

Please keep sending. It feels good to have someone clearing the
dark and confused path that we are walking in today's world.
~ R ~

A quick message to let you all know how worthwhile and valuable
this series is to me. Direct, informative, and diverse.... the information is
applicable on many different levels with wonderful opportunities for understanding
ourselves and others and recognizing the spiritual and emotional connection we
all share.
~ BC ~

Where did you learn to do this?? Every morning I come to work to
find my mind still buzzing from the confusion of the situations of my life &
each day (or second at least) you send me an email that explains it & how I should
deal with it. Your emails have been invaluable... & I thank you.
~ GB ~

My ‘journey to empowerment", thanks to your emails, have provided
the consistency I need to remain focused on my goals. For that I'm sooo very grateful.
I love the connection that you and I have, reading almost all of the emails that
you send and feel that you're very much part of my personal empowerment.
~ SP ~

Yes, I totally agree with you about the importance of journaling.
I have been doing so daily for the past 30 years of my life and honestly I would
still not know myself as well as I do now if it were not for Higher Awareness
teaching me the correct way of journaling (the past ten years) that has made me
experience tremendous personal growth and awareness and eventually experience
going deeper into soul consciousness. Thank you . Love and blessings!
~ JT ~

I just wanted to thank you again ~ I absolutely LOVE your work.
I look forward every time I receive one of your emails to the ‘gift’ inside . . .
they speak to my soul! Thank you for this nourishment. Blessings
~ GW ~

I just wanted to let you know that there have been times when I
have really felt down; more often than not, due to my own negative thoughts..
and countless times, your emails have helped to empower me.. It is really a
wonderful feeling.. Thank you for your emails.
~ SS ~