Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness. 

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!


Download the Free 'Awareness Journey' WORKSHEET.

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New WAYS of Thinking for New TIMES

Use the right tool at the right time for the right results.

Times are changing fast. Now you have new tools and plans to handle it - NOW!

new ways"We cannot solve our problems with the
same level of thinking that created them.'
-- Albert Einstein

Your index to New WAYS of Thinking and doing life:

  • A Life Planner/Binder with 7 key worksheets.
  • Macro and micro Life PLANS,
  • Cheat Sheets and Work Sheets,
  • Developing Intuition and Manifesting Methods
  • NEW tools are added each week.

If you have not already, experience these new tools progressively in the right order on your journey in the 'intuit and DO IT' Awareness and Manifesting Program.

Experience more results, synchronicities and insights. Engage more of your intuitive mind, right brain, and higher mind that knows the truth, the way and the answers for YOU - NOW.

Take just a minute in a quiet uninterrupted space and test drive each exercise. Find the ones that work for you.

First create your Life Planner/Binder to keep your new awesome tools and to track your new results on your life journey.

Also sign up for our popular Inner Journey Inspirational Messages with reminders of new Consciousness Shifters, Transformational Tools and new Life Planner/Binder additions.

Who knew the journey to higher consciousness could be so intriguing?
Looking forward to growing with you.

Level 1 Tools - Foundation. Commitment. Discipline. Focus. Productivity. Know and Heal Yourself.

  • Life Planning Binder - Finally one place for your goals, dreams, learning, cheat sheets, purpose, inspiration, results, healing and a lot more.
  • Macro Life PLAN and Life Planning MAP - A Life Journey starting point. Where are you on your consciousness journey? Rate and track your level of growth and integration. Update it monthly. We will even remind you.
  • AMP up your WARP Drive - Let your subconscious mind know your serious and Willing, Able, Ready and give Permission (WARP) to change and grow.
  • Needs Tree - An easy way to find the right tools for your challenges or inspirations.
  • Commitment Page
  • Dream Calendar - Idealize your day, week, month and year - all on one page - so nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Personal Dashboard - The top 9 powerful things to contemplate and make a note on, daily
  • Awakening Awareness CARDS - In real time throughout the day capture how you separate yourself from guidance, miracles, and abundance.
  • Journaling Tools - If something is on your mind - a worry, urge, calling, idea, etc. - write daily in new ways and let these thoughts through.
  • 'A' MODEL of Life - One of my most powerful and revealing concepts of how life works day to day. How all the good, guidance, abundance, love, etc. must come THROUGH the subconscious filters and distortions.
  • Weekly COFFEE Questions - Thought-provoking and insightful questions to help you regroup in a natural personal cycle. Explore efficiency, vulnerability, creativity, relationships and goal tracking.

Level 2 Tools - Awareness. Intuition. Build Character. Build Relationships.

  • BE ME NOW - My best tool that breaks through blocks, fears and illusions.
  • Mind Distinctions - Understand how your mind works differently from other's from 30 different perspectives
  • 2 STEP Plan -  Elevate, then Create. Be clear if you are raising consciousness or downshifting and creating consciousness.
  • and more to come weekly

Level 3 Tools - Pursue Life Purpose. See Spirituality. Manifest Magic.

  • Align your 3 Life Purposes
  • Manifesting Influences  -
  • and more to come weekly