Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
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Dashboards are everywhere - Cell phones, software, computers, TV Controllers,
cars, stoves ...
AND NOW we have one for you.
"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." -- A. A. Milne
Daily add at least one word or phrase to each box. These steps
create a subtle tension and focus on the inner workings of intuition, wholeness,
purpose, new ways of thinking and the subconscious mind.
The first 6 boxes are more about letting go, surrendering and raising your
consciousness so you become more inclusive and open.
My Pet Peeves, Inner Tensions and Letting Go - We unravel our subconscious mind
by examining what we see in our outer life as it does reflect and is caused by
the inner life. This is called projections. As we accept it for what it is and
not resist it, judgments and tensions naturally move towards a resolution, a
cause, an integration of opposites and towards a higher quality.
My Motives, Meaning and Learnings - Bring to mind your last 24 hours. Were you
even conscious of your motives or did you just do your day robotically? Did you
even have an 'intention' or 'question on your mind'? Were you engaged in
meaningful activities? If we are not learning, changing and growing we stay
stuck. Each of these are clear indicators you are unifying and elevating your
consciousness. A great mantra is "What can I learn from this situation?"
I Want to Be - As you open to answers, elevate who you are. Create an intention
of your highest self. BEING is naturally living higher qualities of life. It is
a move from judgment and separation towards a more conceptual, purposeful,
loving, unifying attitude. On your death bed what would be really important to
you? What would be your top regrets?
The last 6 boxes are more about letting in, being responsible and accountable
and manifesting by down shifting energy and consciousness into form.
I Want to Do and Have - Deep down our desires and wants are linked to our needs
and some aspects of our purpose and who we are. The more we conceptualize and
idealize the 'what' and 'why' of what we want to do and have, the more we are
embodying it and the more the chances of manifesting it sooner than later.
My Ideas, Urges, Inspirations, Calling and Questions - Intuition often comes in
the form of glimpses, ideas and questions. It may not make sense right now but
as you write them down, a bigger idea starts to unfold. Open to listening for
inner voices, synchronicities, coincidences and inspiration. Intuition is
available at all times, so the more we sensitize ourselves in these exercises
the more we will be open to its unexpected guidance.
Emotionalize, Internalize and embody your goals. Bring to mind your goal(s) and energize it
full of passion and emotions.
My Gratitude List - Each day, write 1 to 3 things that you greatly appreciate in
your life. Gratitude is very powerful as it insinuates that manifesting has
worked and you appreciate the process, laws and beauty of life.
My Accomplishments - Write down your miracles, synchronicities, insights and
accomplishments. Create an audit trail of successes. Success breeds success.
Share your celebrations.
My Action Steps/Intention - Now from all of the insights and higher stimulation
of your being, write something NEW you intend to do. You may want to transfer it
to your more formal 'To Do' list or calendar.
Print your Personal Dashboard as a PDF (recommended) for your Life Planning Binder or as a word document for completing it online.
"You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside." -- Wayne Dyer
Date | 1. My Pet Peeves | 2. My Inner Tensions | 3. Positive Healing Values |
Date | 4. My Daily Motivations, My Why | 5. My Learning About Me | 6. I Want to BE... |
Date | 7. I Want to DO and HAVE... | 8. My Urges, Ideas, Intuits, Calling | 9. My Goals are ... |
Date | 10. I am Grateful For ... | 11. My Results and Miracles | 12. My Action Steps, Intentions |
Empowering Choices on your life journey. Draw the best out of you. See Life Planning BINDER Contents for more cheat sheets, worksheets, and new tools and ways of thinking. Click the above link.