Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
Life with challenges is a normal thing. Everyone has challenges in life. But, when you don't address them the right way, it can lead to a bigger problem. The first step is identifying the problems. That's why, we have a list of challenges in life. You can choose from them by looking at the words that most resonate with you. After you have chosen the words that best describe the challenges in life you are facing, the Higher Awareness program will help you find the solution.
Join our awareness program to find about the challenges in your life and we will help you find the right solution. Using the power of meditation, manifestation, and knowing your blocks, you can create the life you want.
Learn how you can make changes in your life to create your dream life and attract the things that will improve your life.
You will be learning from someone who has been helping people for years. Find your true path with a self-improvement program
Higher Awareness has many other programs to help you with your goals.
We are all our own worst enemies. We each have many life challenges that sabotage ourselves, limit our thinking, trigger negative responses and compromise ourselves.
Quickly scan the list of life challenges below and be aware of any
challenges, shadows, and pet peeves that grab your attention in
some way. If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that
deserve your attention and healing. Note the life challenges that 'resonate' with you, then logically
pick out the top 7 for further exploration.
abandonment | exaggeration | materialism |
Have you chosen your top 7 life challenges? Here is what to do next!
Higher Awareness offers the most extensive "Know Yourself" programs on the Internet (that we know of) to help you fine tune what stops you in your life. We then recommend our "Block Busting" Heal Your Life program to support you to breakthrough and become your authentic self, that opens up to new potentials. You will also get access to over 90 other Intuitive Answer Lists like this one. Click here to explore our in-depth Know Yourself program.