Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
Our habitual and self-sabotaging ways of thinking and emotional reacting act as blinders that limit our view of life. When we become aware of those blinders, we can choose to remove them. And this opens us to brand new possibilities.
Our daily Smart Question spiritual development emails will help you connect with more joy, love, beauty, abundance, contribution and meaning. They'll help you open to the bigger picture of who you are. And tese emails will support you in shifting and anchoring your higher perspectives.
Find meaning and fulfillment in even the most ordinary places. Begin to tune into your essence and uncover your passion for life.
Explore higher perspectives with 12 weeks of Smart Questions. Receive 60 emails over 90 days to support you in opening to your authentic self.
Allow these Spiritual Question emails to help you open to higher perspectives of living today.
Receive 60 Smart Question spiritual development emails over 12 weeks to clarify and connect you with your own spirituality. Open up to universal principles and higher aspects of yourself. Every message offers inspiration, a quote, tips, a Smart Question and extra support to bring more to your life.
Become a member of Higher Awareness and you will receive your Spiritual Questions Email Series - Ground spirituality in your everyday living and help awaken you to your authentic self. Practice daily spiritual living. Connect with your own divinity. Explore your life purpose. Progressively tap expand the bigger picture of who you are. Receive 90 days of daily smart questions and tips to shift your consciousness.
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For over 10 years, we have been using Smart Questions to coach thousands of individuals around the world. We know from experience how powerful questions are in raising our consciousness and empowering us to live differently. Please give them a try - you won't look back.
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Confidently move forward on what matters most to you. No matter where you are in
your life, we have the right questions for you.
John and Patrice Robson
Higher Awareness
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada