Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
"...if we are willing to abandon our usual coercive tactics and approach our problems sideways and kitty-corner we stand a good chance of finding our way through some interesting gates." - Eloise Ristad
Mind mapping is also called clustering or webbing. It's a quick, whole-brain
brainstorming process that organizes random thoughts quickly. It combines big
picture information and details on the same sheet. It connects key thoughts and
free associations to a core subject.
To create a mind map, select a focus, write it in the middle of a page and
circle it. Then create and label spokes radiating outward from the centre to
represent different sub themes. From there, you can create and label branches
off the main spokes, and even smaller branches off the branches, to represent
different aspects of each theme. Every time you draw and label a branch off a
main stem, you are mapping a new layer of detail. As you create your mind map,
drawing symbols and pictures will help you anchor the concepts in your mind.
This structure allows you to graphically map a complex hierarchy of associated
words, feelings and ideas.
Mind mapping is a creative way to set goals, solve problems and design action
plans. It quickly records ideas in a free-form way. When groups use mind
mapping, the thoughts of each participant easily trigger ideas in others. This
dynamic group interaction encourages breaking free of old patterns to uncover
new and innovative approaches.
Getting started:
Go deeper:
Reach higher:
4 FREE Journaling Tools for developing mind power, creativity and intuition.
One tool alone will triple your creativity. Check out our other many Creative Thinking Exercises and Resources.