Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Wayne Dyer
Our thinking tends to get stuck in familiar patterns. When a topic comes up, we
usually go through the same thinking process. That's why it is so hard to
identify the deeply ingrained beliefs in our subconscious mind. Like lateral
thinking, metaphors help us find new perspectives and solutions. How? Metaphors
can take us to safe territory where we feel free to express ourselves without
For example, when you want to explore an issue of importance to you, if you
approach it directly, the same old reactive stuff will come up. Instead, use an
indirect or metaphoric route. Pick the metaphor intuitively. If you are working
on a relationship with a person, write about your relationship with your car or
about the interaction between sunlight and a breeze. If conflict is an issue,
you might write about insects in battle. Make up the scenario - use your
imagination - and write in detail about all its aspects. When the interaction is
complete, review what you have written to find meaning for your own situation.
As we write metaphorically about anger, love or relationship, we are writing
from our own inner and deeper thoughts about these topics. It doesn't matter who
is playing them out. But by working through an emotion with a new character or
metaphor, we tend to be more open in the words we use. The distance and safety
of the metaphor helps us let go, become more creative, and trust the thoughts
that come up. Our own reactions, attachments and addictions take a back seat. As
a result we can fathom more of the beliefs and illusions of our subconscious
Getting started:
Go deeper:
Reach higher:
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