Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness. 

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!


Download the Free 'Awareness Journey' WORKSHEET.

Introducing Jeddah Mali's Model of Life

Sharing the 7 truths that ultimately make sense of everything

An online program featuring a 12-page e-book and 5 short emails/week over 8 weeks

Jeddah's teachings are transforming my experience of myself and my understanding of life so dramatically that I'm inspired to encourage everyone else on the planet to study with her, too!

And so I have created an introductory program that aims to share the basics of what I'm learning from Jeddah with others.

I invite you to be a beta tester to assist me in making this program as effective as possible. There's no charge, of course. Just a request that you:

  • do the program
  • offer feedback to me as the program unfolds, if you have comments to share about its content.
  • complete a short survey once the program ends so I can assess the impact of the program as a whole.

Does this interest you? Are you willing to participate? If so, then please sign up below and we'll get started!



Daily Inspirational Messages/QuotesDaily Inspirational Messages/Quotes

With gratitude,

Patrice Robson
Patrice Robson
Higher Awareness Inc.
Edmonton, AB Canada