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The Inner Journey - Open to new possibilities!

A Sample of an Inner Journey

Don't think away your feelings

"When emotions are managed by the heart, they heighten your awareness of the world around you and add sparkle to life. The result is new intelligence and a new view of life."
-- Doc Childre and Howard Martin

How do you intellectualize your emotions?

Many of us live so much in our heads that we intellectualize our emotions. We analyze, rationalize and explain them away so quickly that we don't actually experience them.

Learn to honour your emotions at all times by being willing to feel them. Of course, you may need to exercise some judgment over how and when you express them.

"Learning to be aware of feelings, how they arise and how to use them creatively so they guide us to happiness, is an essential lifetime skill."
-- Joan Borysenko


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John & Patrice Robson The Inner Journey is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of We invite you to take the awareness and consciousness journey to know & grow yourself.

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