"What's Your Next Growth Step?
What is your catalyst?"
"We can learn to be the catalysts for our own change." -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Is your inner voice counseling you that it's time for change? What
action should you take?
Growth is a fairly complex process. Where do you start? What is your NEXT
STEP on your personal growth path?
If you are ready to do some inner work, which course would you take as part of your NEXT STEP?
We have provided a one page pdf 'next step' work
sheet to help you write down and clarify your options and choices.
Here are some different approaches you might consider:
- Most important is to trust yourself, trust your intuition, as a part of you knows what will benefit you most at this time.
- Take the Know Yourself - Who Am I? program first. Your next step will be much clearer.
- Master physical skills, then calm the emotions, develop your mind and then intuitively connect with spirit.
- Work on whatever issues are playing out in your life right NOW. Life always brings us what we most need to address when the time is right. Use awareness techniques to explore existing blocks to find the soul cause and to expand your expression of who you truly are.
- Where is your life out of balance? On the worksheet, rate each of the areas
out of 10. Also a balance issue: once you work well with your logical left
brain, then expand your use of your intuitive and creative right brain.
- In essence, we have 2 journeys. One goes in to release blocks to allow our authentic, true loving selves to express more genuinely. The other goes out to expand our own natural and unique ways to touch more lives.
- Once you work well with your logical left brain, then expand your use of your intuitive right brain.
- Work first on yourself before you support others.
- Accept the past, tune into the future and spend most of your time in the present.
- First know yourself, then accept and control yourself, so you can love and express yourself and then love others.
- Mature the personality, then express the soul.
- You may want to redo a program you have already done to see a new perspective of who you
are and how you have grown. We evolve in spirals.
But really, the bottom line is that whatever appeals to you will be the best way for you to go.
To clarify your options, complete the one page pdf
'next step' work sheet.