Higher Awareness MEMBER AREA

Experience - Expand - Express

KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life

Creed : Make a Declaration - Journaling Tool

Clear, written and repeated intention can create a new reality for you.

"The mind, ever the willing servant, will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." - Norman Vincent Peale

Be bold and make a major commitment to yourself - in writing! Choose to act upon something that really matters to you. Write out your own personal creed and declare it loudly, emotionally and clearly. This instills more belief. Write it in big letters. Put it on a wall. Anchor your statement deeply in you so it becomes part of you. Make a stand now. Read it daily. Speak it out loud. Know that it all started in your journal. Be proud of yourself as you move forward in bringing your commitments to life.


Getting started:

  • Declare your intention to keep a tidy house or office, be debt free, exercise and/or journal three times/week, stop smoking, etc.

Go deeper:

  • Make a commitment to move through a particular block that's holding you back.

Reach higher:

  • Declare your intention to seek out and live your own truth or to follow a specific line of service.

"Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Go back and check out our other 50 Journaling Tools.