Experience - Expand - Express
KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life
Our world is so addicted to productivity that we feel guilty if we're not doing something. But taking time daily to be still and inactive opens us to the spacious present. It helps nurture and restore balance.
Answer these Smart Free Time Questions in your journal:
For health and happiness, it's essential to have free time -- time to think, relax, have fun and open to new things. What activities can you cut out of your life to give you more growing room?
Take charge. Reduce the demands, stimuli, interruptions and busyness in your life. Eliminate your time wasters. Give yourself space to allow a new level of experience to happen in your life. Give yourself a regular gift of inactivity.
Only when you take control of your life, will you have a sense of order and direction in your life. If you liked this set of self control smart questions, click on the following link for more good questions. Improve your ability to manage time, goals, chaos, procrastination and life direction by asking good self control questions. Receiving a question, tip and quote daily creates a continuity of intention so you attain more self control.
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