Creativity Questions
Creative idea questions help find outstanding solutions to problems
and opportunities. Have fun generating fresh, new ideas and break out from your usual thinking.
To be more creative, you need to SEED your thinking. Most people try to be creative
in a vacuum and this does not work. The creativity process below through asking creative
questions is a structured, logical, systematic approach to seed your creativity. It supports
you in seeing things from different perspectives.
Challenge your mind to answer a question or find a solution. Ask these Smart Creativity
Questions to yourself. Think of a question, problem or intention to be addressed. Use the
seed thoughts below and be open. Have fun with it. STREEEEEETCH your mind!
My situation or problem or question is…
What benefits do I hope to achieve for myself or offer to others?
What criteria (considering time, place, resources, people, safety, etc.) will I use to rate the best idea when I find it?
For each one of the above criteria, what solutions might be possible?
What are my answers to the 5 Whys - what, when, who, when, why and how?
Brainstorm with a dictionary. Randomly open a page and within the first column what word and a related idea triggers my thinking towards a solution or answer.
How can I be different than others wanting answers to the same question?
What is the essence and qualities that identify my solution?
What does my heart say? How would it answer the question?
If I had all the resources and money and time and expertise in the world, what possibilities could occur?
If my solution is to benefit everyone in the world what does that look like to me?
How can I change my questions around so I get different answers?
Imagine a perfect future scenario and idealize it with words like all, nothing, now, never, everywhere, anywhere, nowhere, everyone, no one, anytime, all of the time, at no cost, infinite, 100%, 0%, etc.
What are my ideal results? The best that can ever happen? Do not limit yourself!
Double check your criteria and apply your best answers to your criteria.
Become more aware of how your mind creates your reality. Expand your creativity.
Be inspired to be all you can be by asking good mind questions. Receiving a question,
tip and quote daily creates a continuity of intention to develop your mind.
Smart Creativity Questions
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