Higher Awareness MEMBER AREA

Experience - Expand - Express

KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life

How to use this Insight on One Page worksheet:
Give yourself about one hour of quiet, uninterrupted time to complete this worksheet. Print this page to get your worksheet and instructions (printer friendly). Write your initial answers in your journal or on a separate piece of paper and then summarize your main conclusions on the form below. Read about how to get the most out of "Insights on One Page." Below is your guide to completing each of the boxes. The links offer resources to encourage deeper answers.

Be SMART Goals List on One Page

Specific, Measurable, Action, Reward, Timing, Benefits

  1. Specific (WHAT) – Describe what you want as clearly as you can.

  2. Measurable - How will you know when you have achieved your goal or if you are getting closer?
  3. Anchor Action (HOW) - What action steps are most needed to accomplish your goal? Anchor them with affirmations, pictures, symbols, colors, stories, music, rituals, questions, etc.
  4. Reward (CELEBRATION) - Identify a meaningful reward for when you achieve your goal, e.g., buy yourself something, have a party, etc.
  5. Timing (WHEN) - Set dates for completion, reviews, milestones or establish a rate (e.g., lose 4 pounds per month) that will get you to your target.
  6. Benefits (WHY) - Why do you want to attain this goal? Connect with your motivation, values, purpose and essence.

A SAMPLE - Sell the oversized house we live in (specific) by July 1 (timing), for $150,000 cash (measurable), by cleaning up our yard and house and magnetically (symbol anchor) attracting or contacting a realtor (action), so we can be free to move to a sunnier, smaller, quieter home (benefits) and we will celebrate by taking a one week holiday to see family (reward).

Keep your top 1 to 5 goals on this page and review them daily.

Be SMART Goals on One Page

  Specific Measurable Action Reward Timing Benefits
















Go back and check out our other Processes on One Page.