Experience - Expand - Express
KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life
Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way. If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.
Clean behind your refrigerator and stove
Clean out computer files
Clean out drawers and closets
Clean out old tapes, records, books, etc.
Clean out your basement or garage
Clean out your car
Clean out your filing cabinet, old policies, old catalogues, etc.
Clean out your junk drawer
Clean out your purse or wallet
Clean up old spots and stains
Complete your incompletes
Create change around you
Dispose of old chemicals, cleaning agents, paints and solvents
Dispose of old pills, medications and prescriptions
Don’t watch television for one week
Don’t wear a watch for a week
Donate books that you will never read again
Donate extra household items to charity
Drive slower and obey the rules
Empty all wastebaskets
Forgive someone
Get a haircut
Get rid of anything you have not used in the last year
Get your furniture, blinds, walls, carpets cleaned
Go for a half hour walk each day
Hang new pictures on the wall or move old ones around
Have a bubble bath and pamper yourself
Have a garage or yard sale
List all things that drain your energy and resolve them
Pay debts
Perform a random act of kindness once per day
Recycle newspapers, bottles and cans
Reorganize furniture and cupboards
Replace burnt out light bulbs
Return unused wire hangers to the dry cleaners
Rid magazines and articles you keep promising to read
Rid make up and ties that are not your colour
Rid old chipped or mismatched dishes
Rid ornaments that just collect dust
Spend one hour in total silence each day
Throw away poor photos
Trim and re-pot your indoor plants
Vacuum your house and make it a ritual for scrubbing space
Weed the garden, trim the lawn, clip the hedge or thin a tree
What preventive maintenance things need to be completed?
Wrap coins you’ve been collecting
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