Experience - Expand - Express
KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life
Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way. If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.
Underscore the words that best describe your physical body. There are no
right, wrong or better answers. CIRCLE a few words that describe traits you
would like to develop.
Degree of Activity – comatose, inactive, lethargic, sluggish, restless,
active, industrious, busy, hyperactive
Flexibility – rigid, inflexible, accommodating, yielding, flexible,
agile, limber, elastic
Magnetism – alluring, enticing, attractive, uninteresting, unattractive,
unpleasant, disagreeable, deterring, alienating, repelling
Muscle tone – extreme hardness, sturdy, muscular, compact, loose, tender,
thin, weak, soft, flabby
Orderliness of Activity – formal, regulated, variable, manipulative,
disorderly, chaotic
Precision of Activity – adroit, dexterous, precise, skilful, adept,
handy, graceful, careless, compromise, imprecise, reckless, awkward, clumsy,
Rhythm – cyclic, rhythmic, responsive, random, arrhythmic
Strength and Endurance – powerful, strong, enduring, tenacious,
resilient, fortified, robust, sturdy, athletic, hardy, indifferent, delicate,
gentle, weak, frail, powerless, defenceless, susceptible, vulnerable
Sensitivity and Refinement – sensitive, receptive, discerning,
appreciative, perceptive, energetically (etherically) connected, responsive,
impressionable, grounded, indifferent, insensitive, ignorant, apathetic,
Sensual Orientation – audio, visual, kinaesthetic, sensitive to taste,
sensitive to odour, psychic, telepathic, clairaudient, clairvoyant,
Stress - serene, calm, peaceful, relaxed, tense, jumpy, jittery,
stressed, strained, anxious, fearful, agitated, high-strung, volatile
Vitality and health – whole, exuberant, dynamic, vital, energetic,
enthusiastic, lively, animated, vigorous, healthy, stable, tired, bored,
run-down, overworked, exhausted, unsound, injured, ill, diseased
Emphasis – legs, sexuality, solar plexus (ego), heart, hands, throat,
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