Higher Awareness MEMBER AREA

Experience - Expand - Express

KNOW, GROW and FLOW through life

Intuitive Answer Lists

Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way.  If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.

Money Affirmations - A List of Choices

I am open to abundance.
My finances are secure.
I am saving more money every day.
I am prosperous, healthy and happy.
I spend only what I have.
I am building a financially stable future for myself and my family.
I value my time and energy.
I value my money.
I deserve to be prosperous.
I am worthy of receiving abundance.
I am the source of my abundance.
I focus on what I love and draw it to me.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
My dreams are coming true.
I trust that the universe will always meet my needs.
My energy is focused and directed to my goals.
I am willing to accept the best life has to offer.
I am open to opportunities.
I honor myself at all times.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
I believe in unlimited possibilities.
I am creative and capable.
The universe always serves my higher interests.
I expect and receive the very best.
I accept good things into my life with gratitude.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
I am a special, unique person with much to offer the world.
I allow myself to play and enjoy life.
I bring love to everything I do.
I appreciate all that I have.
I always do my best.
I picture success for everyone.
I am succeeding!
I give myself permission to be and do what I want.
I value myself.
I learn from my challenges.
I allow myself to dream.
My dreams are coming true.
I manage my money wisely.
I am self-confident, loving and generous.
My energy flows freely and easily in all areas of my life.
My life is alive with vitality.
I open to my inner guidance.
I focus on my goals daily.
I am happy, healthy, wealthy, healed and whole.
My self-worth and net worth are building every day.
I have wealth in every area of my life.

Go back and check out our other 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists