Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists
Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life.
Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way. If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.
This is one of over 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists
Physical Topics | Emotional Topics accomplishments appreciation art beliefs changes confidence creativity duty failures fantasy ideas insights inspiration integrity intellect learning memories |
mentors my favourite… negative thinking peaks and valleys personal growth poetry potential & possibilities projects secrets successes talents the future the past time turning points Spiritual Topics beauty joy laws life love miracles peace purpose religion/spirituality responsibility service solitude synchronicities truth values wisdom |
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Higher Awareness, Inc.
Edmonton, AB. Canada T5K 0K6
Phone: 1-780-249-7633 Mountain (GMT-7)
Email: John Robson