- is the mind-made “I”
- is an illusion of our real self or true essence
- emerges early in life to protect us from perceived threats to survival
- identifies with form and desires
- lives in individual identity through separation from others
- lives through comparison of self to others
- is unaware of connectedness
- lives in the past or the future, rarely in the present
- is programmed through subconscious beliefs and patterns
- primarily defined by unconscious reactions
- is compulsive, repetitive and stuck in dysfunctional patterns and relationships
- seeks recognition, praise, power and attention
- confuses facts with perceptions and reactions
- imprisons and entangles itself with its belief systems and labels
- needs to control and manipulate because it does not trust; sets agendas, rules, structures
- defines boundaries
- contracts and hardens its shell for security
- values succeeding, accumulating, building
- is self-centered
- holds opinions and judges
- takes things personally, is often offended
- needs to be right
- is easily victimized
- complains, blames and feels resentful
- is concerned with self image
- seeks immediate gratification
- is not having enough, needs more of everything
- is rarely satisfied for long
- is unconscious -- do not take it personally
- gets attached to content
- is source of grievances and angst
- is image making, self seeking
- matures as we grow in awareness
- matures when we bring consciousness to our suffering
- matures with humility