Growth Tools - Practical tools for meaningful growth

How do we change and grow?

“Change means movement. Movement means friction. ”
~ Saul Alinsky ~

Hi everyone,

Years ago, I wanted to truly understand how people change and grow so I interviewed over 90 people who had made significant shifts or changes in their lives.

Most of the people interviewed attributed the source of their shifts to reflective retreats, life coaching, prayer and journaling, but there was no one common tool or process used.

From these interviews I concluded that to create change, we need to use 4 to 6 different tools that address the same topic. This creates more perspectives, more dimensions, more tension and more intensity on the situation. As long as we focus continuity of attention on our situation, it does not matter what 4 to 6 techniques are used.

When we set intention to explore a particular issue in our lives, this opens up and reveals old beliefs running in our subconscious. This sparks new insights to guide us forward. This is how change happens. The little stuff and pains of life start to make more sense as we connect them to a bigger picture of life. The more we expand and raise our perspectives, the more we release old patterns that no longer serve us.

If you have a challenge or a new project to work on, keep the tension on it by using different intuitive right brain and rational left brain journaling tools. Explore your situation physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Ask yourself different questions. Seek counsel. Discuss it with friends. Reflect on your progress daily.

Are you ready to break free of those old patterns, beliefs and habits that are holding you back? Are you ready to create more gentle inner tension that naturally seeks integration? The time is now and you have come to the right place! At Higher Awareness, we offer an abundance of resources to create inner tension, growth, healing and inspiration.

Explore our resources and pick out those you feel will work for you. Choose from:

Upgrade to a life membership and have access to a lifetime of support resources. Play with them and prepare to move through and release whatever is causing your distress.

John and Patrice

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”
~ Vincent Van Gogh ~

"If you're proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own.”
~ Stephen Covey ~

A Reminder
Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Process – Take time to focus on goals, balance and peace of mind.

John & Patrice Robson
John & Patrice
Growth Tools is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of

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Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2T9