Growth Tools - Practical tools for meaningful growth
Three Keys to Manifestation

“Manifestation is the act of making something invisible visible. It is the act of turning something abstract into something concrete and something potential into something real.”
-- David Spangler

Hi everyone,

If we study our existence, it seems that moment to moment, we are either experiencing or manifesting life. We dance these 2 steps continuously. We are touched by life and then we respond and touch life back.

Let's review the basic 2 steps in our dance through life.

Step 1 is to bring awareness and consciousness to our experience. If we are feeling tension or discomfort of any kind, we can choose to relax, let go of all thoughts and feelings and accept what is, without resistance. This letting go process dissolves those tensions and moves us to an expanded viewpoint.

Step 2 requires a shift. Instead of letting go, we open to allow in - to receive insights, higher concepts and new perceptions. If we choose to act on these insights and ideas, we can ground them through action into form.

So the journey with step #1 lies in moving from our reactive, limited awareness to experiencing a new, higher and more inclusive reality. As we let go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back, we find we naturally open up and let in the inspiration, insights and guidance that are always available to us.

From this expanded, subtle, creative point, we can consciously begin the manifestation process.

To dance to step #2, hold that new energy. Be with it. Listen to it. Allow it to materialize into ideas, creativity and form. Allow the higher concepts to downshift through levels of creating - from insights to concepts to values to ideas and to clear next steps.

Manifestation occurs when spiritual, causative and qualitative energies descend into heavier energies and into form. Universal energies gradually become more specific. It is a journey from the invisible to the visible created by 3 key steps:

  1. intention (will),
  2. imagination (our unique ideas) and
  3. attention (single-mindedness focus).

To ground your higher aspirations into form you can: Affirm it. Visualize it. Express it. Write it. Draw it. Discuss it. Reflect on it. Review it. Meditate on it. Focus on it. Create creeds, rituals or mantras about it. Repeat it.

And often our desires and creations run into roadblocks. Co-creating requires overcoming inertia, distractions, fears, attachments, rationalization, second guessing, limiting beliefs and lack of self worth. As these arise, we go back to step #1 and use awareness processes to dissolve these manifesting blocks so we can connect with a higher, more causative energy for step #2.

Master this process and you will master your own life. Any time you want to create something new, use conscious presence to break free of limited thinking and move to a new liberated space. Be open and trusting to allow inspiration to arise. Inspiration will always be aligned with your unique desires, needs and expression. Draw on imagination to flesh out your idea. Then follow your heart for ways to ground the vision.

If you have any comments on this creation journey, let me know at


“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
-- Earl Nightingale

“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”
-- Nikos Kazantzakis


Manifesting Abundance - Create the life you want to live

A Reminder

Any time micro Re-Treat Yourself Process – Reap the benefits of awareness pauses.
John & Patrice Robson
John & Patrice
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