Growth Tools - Practical tools for meaningful growth

Want to know yourself? Then journal!

 “Writing can rescue us from emptiness.”
-- Patrice Vecchione

We’ve shared this with you before, but journaling is such a powerful tool for self-discovery that it really bears repeating.

To me (John), journaling takes me deeper into myself. It enables me to listen and understand at new levels. To see myself from different perspectives. It filters through my mental noise and my stuck programs. It allows me to get things off my chest, to empty my mind of clutter so I can see the inspirational gems that were previously hidden.

This is why we encourage you to write what is on your mind. NO filtering. Get it out. Get it on paper so you can see it clearly and then let it go. This will help you tune in to deeper levels of your being. It’s like turning up the volume so you can hear even the faintest voice.

With a regular journaling practice, we can reveal and strengthen our grasp of our unique meaning, purpose, unconscious guidance, creativity, qualities, context and perspectives. We come face to face with our inner wisdom and this brings healing and greater acceptance of our innate self worth.

So, as you journal, be aware of how you hear or sense your information and get it down. Be willing to open to trust your own inner processes. As you do this, you will turn up the intuitive voice that has all of your very best answers.

For a complete reference on how to journal, which is chock-full of journaling exercises, check out our ‘Go Deeper… Reach Higher… Journaling for Self Empowerment’ e-book.

~ John

“Writing has been a way of explaining to myself the things I do not understand.”
-- Rosario Castellanos

“You’ll find your truth by writing your way to it.”
-- Patrice Vecchione 

Journal Writing Topics - An ongoing adventure in self discovery! You’ll access your own inner wisdom by tapping into the unconscious and intuition. Effective for releasing stress, blocks and negative emotions. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools for self-knowledge and mind development.

A Reminder
Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Process
– Focus on rejuvenation and staying on purpose.

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John & Patrice Robson
John & Patrice
Growth Tools is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of

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Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2T9