A Gift of Light

Darkness is the doorway to the light.

“Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” – Ruth E. Renkel

Our Souls get our attention through challenges, pain and darkness.

"Sometimes we turn to God when our foundations
are shaking only to find out it is God who is shaking them."
-- Unknown Source

Accept the challenge to examine your life, let go of resistance and awaken to more of your own power and love.

"Fear of the pain blinds us to the goal of
healing. Only by seeing our problems clearly and experiencing them can we do something about them." -- Bob Hoffman

There's a divine reason for your challenge! Trust that what is happening has benefits for you, if you open to receive them.

"What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind." -- Henry Miller

Know that every struggle holds a blessing.

"I've always found a gift hidden in every adversity. That doesn't make adversity any easier; it only
makes it more meaningful."
-- Dan Millman

Uncover the blessing and say thanks.

"Opening our hearts to the mystery and meaning of our suffering can bring us into God's presence. Be grateful for this opportunity." -- Mark Rosen

The light is shining within you. Ask for its guidance.

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." -- Charles Beard

We all struggle with darkness--it's the Soul's journey!

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 “We cannot hold a torch to light another's path
without brightening our own."-- Ben Sweetland.

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