Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness. 

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!


Download the Free 'Awareness Journey' WORKSHEET.

Take our 'Level of Consciousness Test'

What is your level of experiencing and manifesting life?

Everything has consciousness. Humans have a wide range of consciousness. We are fortunate as we can think and have willpower to choose and we can clearly, proactively raise our consciousness level. And that is one of our main purposes in life - to evolve and shift our consciousness to a higher level.

Here are some key words that will help you understand and raise your level of consciousness. As you have more qualitative, loving, beautiful, natural, meaningful, purposeful, altruistic, spiritual, inclusive, impersonal, universal and evolutionary experiences, you are shifting your consciousness.

The journey is a life long journey. It requires persistence and patience. We grow in steps or plateaus by using the right type of techniques or process at the right times.

It is a journey through consciousness. This journey is defined in many cultures, religions and teachings. We have gleamed the highlights and adapted them to fit our modern day situations.

Instructions for this free level of consciousness test:

  • For each question, choose one answer which best describes your situation and click on the box next to that answer. If none of the options fit, leave the question blank.

1. I am most comfortable being a


2. My greatest fear is

meaningless or unworthiness
loss or abandonment
mediocrity or being wrong

3. I focus more on

another person or group
humanity as a whole

4. The areas more important to me are

meaning, creative expression, purpose, service, attracting abundance
survival, control, security, the past, money
understanding, learning, the future, prosperous thinking

5. I often experience in my life

Chaos, emotional reactions, negative thinking
Pro-activity, control, some synchronicity
Purpose, rhythm, beauty, flow

6. I regularly experience

Service and compassion
Change and growth
Victimhood, sadness or inertia

7. My awareness level is described as

instinctual, follower, habitual, robotic, reactive
intuitive, higher guidance, truth, love, universal
aware, intelligent, metaphoric, conceptual

8. My sense of myself is

asking questions and seeking independence
developing a stronger sense of my self confidence and ego
developing the heart, becoming spiritually aware and serving a higher good

9. I am searching for

helping others, group work, service, healing, teaching, expression
health, energy, love, understanding, goodness, truth, beauty, growth
material goods, image and appearances pleasures, happiness, power, self-actualization, self-centeredness

10. I describe my relationships as


11. I describe my will power as

group will
good will, God will, true power
weak willed, forceful or self oriented will

12. My thinking tends to be

creative, imaginative, spontaneous
habitual, routine, limited, linear
guided, natural flowing, intuitive

13. I spend much time

coping, surviving
developing skills, strengthening values
being, allowing

14. My story line might be

I am life
I do life
life does me

When you have finished making your selections,
enter your email address,
click that you are not a robot,
and submit your questionnaire for processing.
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