However, creating a savings account brings great value that goes well beyond the actual currency that gets deposited each month. The value lies in the emotional and spiritual shift this represents.
Putting even a tiny amount into savings monthly is an affirmation of both wealth (you have extra to save, no matter how small) and self-respect. You are looking after yourself by protecting your future. You are being responsible in managing your finances and you can feel really positive about that.
That little savings account is a big step in the right direction. It may be small now but it’s growing!
“There was a time when I could not afford to buy socks and my shoes often had holes in them. … I was determined that when I got a job I was never going to be without an ample supply of socks. … When I was in the police department I can remember every sale that was held in downtown Los Angeles and I always managed to stop by and stock up on socks; it was like a security blanket. Then one day I noticed I had about 200 hundred pairs.” — Tom Bradley
Are you experiencing money challenges? Take the money and abundance journey to more prosperity and wealth.