Why must we be challenged?

Every single day we are faced with some life challenge, and often several. Sometimes the challenges defeat us, and we suffer. Sometimes we are victorious, and from our experience, we learn and grow. Surprisingly, all life challenges are initiated by the Soul. Though it can appear that our problems come …



– MAINTAINING BALANCE series – QUESTION YOUR LIFE COACH’S TIP Gratitude is an expression of love, which is the foundation of the universe and the essence of life. If we live gratitude, we appreciate the qualities of every moment. We break down the barriers of separation to experience the truth …


Open to a bigger picture for your life of service

“This is the true joy of life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clot of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I …


What is soul consciousness?

“You are a holistic being with both nondualistic energy and the energy of the physical plane as a part of your being at your disposal.” — Wayne Dyer Andrew Schneider helps us understand our human experience of being soul. He says, “Soul consciousness arises when we stand facing in opposite …


Levels of Consciousness

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.” — William James Here is one perspective on levels of consciousness and some descriptive words to help us identify the differences: Not conscious – instinctual, follower Subconscious – habitual, robotic, …


3 Levels of Consciousness

– Life does us -> We do life -> We are life Explore 3 levels or stages of a typical life path where we gradually grow in commitment, awareness, self knowledge, self-healing and self-expression (manifesting). Here is one sample of 30. Life does us -> We do life -> We …


The 2-Step Consciousness Journey

We participate in life in 2 ways: – experiencing life through awareness and – creating and manifesting life through our intentions. Most of us would benefit from more training and balance in these 2 areas. Below is one of the 2-Step Consciousness Journeys that progressively deepen our abilities to understand …


Baby consciousness steps

If we truly want to change and evolve our experience of life, we need to shift our consciousness. This is not easy. All of us have many limiting belief systems and old paradigms deeply programmed into our subconscious minds. These automatically govern our perception of life and the ways we …
