Intuition and seeking peace of mind

The third prerequisite for intuition is PEACE OF MIND. Relax and rid your mind and body of distractions. Distance yourself from the chaos. Have fun, play, laugh, holiday and socialize. Be alert and open and maintain a clear intention. Accept the life you’ve been given, and above all love yourself. …


Intuit and Do It

Intuit and Do It Another prerequisite for intuition is ACTION. Be in motion. Act as if your highest expectations have already happened. Be in front of more opportunities and people.  Let go of any blocks or attachments. Create mental space and physical space. Plan your work and work your plan. …


Intuition works to meet higher personal needs

Intuition works to meet higher personal needs Our level of personal fulfillment is directly related to our ability to be intuitive. Intuition requires a NAP – Need, Action and Peace of mind. The first one is NEED. Intuition works to meet our innate needs rather than our desires and wants. …


Tune deeply into intuition

“I am 50% intuitive but I do not know which 50% it is.” – John Robson So how does one distinguish intuition from other levels of psychic sensing? From an esoteric perspective, intuition is higher spiritual guidance–it does not respond to desire, glamour or illusion. It supports the good of …


Have you addressed your intuition blocks?

“If a man devotes himself to the instructions of his own unconscious, it can bestow this gift [of renewal], so that suddenly life, which has been stale and dull, turns into a rich unending inner adventure, full of creative possibilities.” – Marie-Louise von Franz Have you picked out your top …


Using Intuition

“Wisdom means listening to the still, small voice, the whisper that can be easily lost in the whirlwind of busyness, expectations, and conventions of the world.” — Jean M. Blomquist Create space for your intuition Most of us are so busy in our external world that we neglect our inner …
