The spiritual path of opposites leads us to wholeness.

Many of us turn to the spiritual path for relief from our pain. We hope spirituality will save us from our fears, bad habits, insecurities and disillusionments. We want an idyllic world where we’re always safe and happy. But this doesn’t work. Our personality’s desire to achieve pleasure and avoid …


Healing Energies for Spiritual Development

Explore bringing the higher and lower together in ordinary everyday situations. For example, if you’re tired and hungry, connect with the discomfort of your personality. Then connect with the soul’s appreciation of all experiences of life. You may also want to explore over time the following emotional reactions and typical …


Integrating dualities for spiritual growth

If it doesn’t work to ignore, deny or avoid the negatives in our lives, how do we deal with them? We can transform our suffering by integrating our lower experiences with higher spiritual energies. Here’s the process to follow: 1. Acknowledge your discomfort with the present situation. Really feel your …


Our souls will not be ruled by the clock

Author Robert Sardello talks about how our experience of time is affected by duration and tempo. We can identify the natural tempo of life in the rhythm of the heartbeat. We experience duration in the rising and setting of the sun, the ebb and flow of the tides and the …


We need to attend to the body as well as the spirit.

When we are first drawn to the spiritual path, we may begin to move away from the material. And yet the nature of our journey is the experience of spirit in matter. We are here to express spirit through form. The two depend on each other. And so we want …


The spiritual journey is a journey of consciousness.

The spiritual journey first follows the path of personality to explore limitation and separation. It then takes the path of soul to reconnect with expansiveness and unity. Here’s another bird’s eye view of how our lives unfold to awaken our consciousness: 1. Unconscious love: When we are born, we exist …


Beware of spiritual materialism.

The Tibetan teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, warned of the trap of spiritual materialism. He says we must be ever diligent to spot the ego’s use of the spiritual journey to further its own ends. If ego’s wants underlie our desire for spiritual connection, we may be using spiritual techniques to strengthen …


Become familiar with soul.

Do you sense that something is missing in your life? Chances are, you are experiencing the lack of soul in your world. What is soul? Our minds may want to understand soul as an entity. Andrew Schneider says that “soul is who we are as incarnated Spirit, …who we are …
