STOP and feel happy

You are in control of your own feelings and feeling great, positive, happy and excited is very healing and uplifting. Smile right now! Feel your whole face smile. Feel your whole upper body in a energetic, vital and happy way. Is it working? What do you feel? That is why …



Read the alliteration below quickly and enjoy tripping up your tongue. Then read it slowly and write down a problem, potential or process arising from it that resonates with you. Just rid judgment, jitters and jealousy by jotting in your journal and justifiably joining the jolly journey of joy and justice. …


Be your authentic self

Authenticity is about honesty and telling the truth. It is about not telling lies about ourselves.  It is about not denying or hiding or running away. To be authentic is not just to do something. To be and to do are different verbs. Your doing follows inevitably from your being. …


Break free from conformity

Individuation is the Jungian term that describes the process of becoming one’s own person – that is, becoming authentically oneself. In this process there is a movement away from collectivity, and away from conformity to the collective. Conformity is a superficial way of connecting. The individuation process is a movement …


Draw out your authentic happiness

To be authentic does not mean that we have to think only original thoughts or act in a way that is totally unique. These are impossibilities. We as individuals are not separate from our genetics, our upbringing and socialization, our family, our culture. We are also part of humanity and …
