The personality is perceived as lead because lead is of the earth; it is heavy and pulls down what it is attached to. This heaviness is needed! The personality has the spiritual purpose of anchoring the higher realities, specifically the Soul. It’s only through the personality that Soul can express …
Forgiveness heals
“A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the full value of time and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain.” — Rambler To forgive, we do not have to say that whatever happened was okay. We simply have to decide that we won’t …
How to change your subconscious mind
Lasting change occurs only when we revise the programming in our subconscious minds. That’s why it helps to use 4 to 6 different growth tools focused on achieving your goals. Find tools and processes to stimulate your subconscious to shift the deep beliefs that have given rise to your block. …
Overcoming Fear
“Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? … Our fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if we explore them.” — Marilyn Ferguson “Help me overcome my fears!” This is a common request. No surprise, right? If we dig deeply into our procrastination, our lack of …
Resolve the big life challenge
If stuff happens and if it is not resolved it keeps happening. It has its own internal rhythm. It is hard to make sense of what happens and why. There are many influences affecting our reactions. But know that the “Big One” – the heaviest vibration, strongest emotion, deepest fear, …
Emotional development is simpler than we think!
Each of us only has one or two major life lessons or challenges to overcome. Now it may have many symptoms and show its ugly face in different ways and in different relationships. But they all point to a major wounding in our youth that has created a deeply seated …
Continue reading “Emotional development is simpler than we think!”
Discover Your Life Purpose
“There is only one journey. Going inside yourself.” — Rainer Maria Rilke Ever wonder why we are here? We believe all beings exist in physical form to express unique aspects of the creative life force. Everything arises from the one Spirit, Creator, God, Source, whatever name you prefer – the …
Pondering Purposes of Life
“The meaning of life is to give life meaning.” — Ken Hudgins3 Do we each have one unique role to play to ultimately fulfill our lives? When people talk about life purpose, it often seems to be presented this way. I struggled for many years to identify my life purpose. …