The mind that got you into a problem cannot get you out of the problem. You need external mental stimulation like our Smart Questions. Develop a new perspective daily. Smart Question Coaching helps develop discipline and willpower. Set yourself an intention to answer these emails DAILY, without exception. Succeed at …
Ask Great Questions
Questions invoke a deep response from the subconscious mind. “The quality of one’s life is directly related to the quality of questions you ask yourself.” – Tony Robbins Questions and statements produce different responses. Statements are a product of the left brain. They are perceived as facts. If you want …
Open-ended questions
Open-ended questions have the power to lead us into brand new territory because who knows how they might be answered? The possibilities are endless for creative minds like ours! And the possibilities are certainly infinite if our questions draw on the well of universal wisdom that waits to guide us …
Life Question
Pose a consistent question for a long period of time and your mind will continue to seek better answers. “It is only by questioning what people take for granted, what people hold to be true, that we can break through the hypnosis of social conditioning.” – Deepak Chopra What question …
3 Levels of Consciousness
– Life does us -> We do life -> We are life Explore 3 levels or stages of a typical life path where we gradually grow in commitment, awareness, self knowledge, self-healing and self-expression (manifesting). Here is one sample of 30. Life does us -> We do life -> We …
The 2-Step Consciousness Journey
We participate in life in 2 ways: – experiencing life through awareness and – creating and manifesting life through our intentions. Most of us would benefit from more training and balance in these 2 areas. Below is one of the 2-Step Consciousness Journeys that progressively deepen our abilities to understand …
Baby consciousness steps
If we truly want to change and evolve our experience of life, we need to shift our consciousness. This is not easy. All of us have many limiting belief systems and old paradigms deeply programmed into our subconscious minds. These automatically govern our perception of life and the ways we …
Journaling Twitters
Below are some short one liners about journaling. Journaling integrates, connects, creates, feels, synergises, cross-fertilizes, fuses, reveals, draws out and goes deep. WOW! One cannot afford NOT to journal! Journaling (writing) slows down your mind and puts your thoughts into hard copy so you can see how you think. When …