I AM BACK. Another thing off my Bucket List. I spent 6 of the last 8 months on retreat by myself in the wilderness. And sometimes it was crowded – Me, Myself and I – Ego, Personality and Soul – and trees, animals and the lake – all offering up new levels of awareness.
I was writing 2 books – and one is on DIY (Do It Yourself) Retreat Process. Personal retreats at home, in a park, in a hotel room or ideally in a nature setting. Retreats that are 1 to 8 hours long or 1 to 7 days long. The book is about how to get the most relaxation, insights, answers and healing out of your own personalized retreat. And the best way for me to get clear about awareness shifts on a retreat was for me to immerse myself in a retreat setting for months at a time.
Even though I was still working on and maintaining my website, Higher Awareness – I do apologize for not putting more attention to staying connected with members and our readership. So now with more deeper insights, I have a clearer mission, messages and intentions, and a plan for 2018.
Below are my 5 main retreat take-a-ways I want to share:
- Change and growth is hard work. – I reconfirmed again the power over us of our deep conditioning, robotic reactions and habitual behaviors. It was a reminder of how stuck we are in our old programming. Even though our ego and character feels so smart and even spiritual its control nature keeps us processing in our comfort zone. The invisible glass ceiling still limiting our responses and growth. So to break through the glass ceiling more often I would become the observer or watcher of how my thoughts and ego worked. I would meditate more and through an altered state could go beyond the glass ceiling. I would do more dialogs (a journaling tool) that helped me connect more deeply with my soul and even nature spirits. I confirmed again that the way we do one thing is the way we do everything. That we are a verb, not a noun. Mindsets and processes keep repeating themselves even in new surroundings and situations. For example, I wanted to relax and just do nothing, so I immediately wrote a list of 20 ways to DO nothing – back to one of my natural busyness responses. The ego abhors change so extra attention is needed to do new things or do new things differently.
- Relating is important. As a result of doing a life review and being in isolation I realized the absolute importance of meaningful relationships – of my need to speak, share, interact, discuss, love, have fun and relate. My wife, Patrice, and I developed a new level of connection and conversation when we talked once per day. At the end of my retreat I created a personal plan that involved more connections, group work, master minding, voicing my truth, sharing feelings and showing more compassion.
- Attunement Magic – This one of my favorite words now – ATTUNING. Often I would relax and ATTUNE (reflect, connect with, contemplate, become) to my purpose, vision, goals, nature, my body, important people in my life, intuition, etc.. As I did this daily or a few times per day, I would always get new perspectives, qualities, ideals and ideas that would offer up more insights and truth. The essence and evolving edge of my focus expanded. Intuition grew significantly. I would start asking better questions that offered up amazing answers. Every minute, hour and day is new and fresh offering deeper and higher insights.Another favorite word and task was embodiment. As I attuned to an essence and strong feelings, I would then anchor it, internalize it, own it, be that feeling. I would intensify it, expand it, and AMP it UP 10 and 100 times so I was so full it overflowed and then I would radiate it out to loved ones, members and the world.
- Patience and Soul Timing – I learned a lot about patience. About nature and soul timing. In my busyness I know I can be too attached to my ‘to do’ list and planning. Instead I would check in each day and often many times per day for my highest guidance. And often the message was to relax, enjoy, walk, breath, connect and love. This was perfect guidance to tame my perfection, workaholicism and seeking. I was in the wilderness during fall and winter when nature takes a break and regenerates. So my sense of any urgency mellowed out. I spent more time pondering life and nature and less time in work mode. Of letting go instead of my inner drive to letting in ‘new’ stuff. Of asking higher guidance what to do next instead of checking my list. It is amazing how, in hind site, I would often be doing the right things at the right time for the right reason. Inner guidance knows a lot more than my intelligent mind.
- Pursue your Purpose – I got solid confirmation that I am on my right path of creating my new ‘intuit and DO IT’ Awareness and Manifesting Program (I AMP). I worked on how the definition and level of awareness changes from senses to experiences to thoughts to feelings to imagination to healing to intuition to consciousness to bliss and to awareness manifesting itself (even before the awareness happened ). My purpose, vision and mission become quite clear and simple as I recommit to sharing truth and meaningful messages to millions.
So it is great to be back in the city to connect with friends and attend a few meet ups. Fortunately I am a few blocks from our river valley so I can still be in nature and connect with its powerful essence. And I am back with a new level of commitment to my wife and business partner, and to my Higher Awareness business and new programming. I am excited to share more important messages and truths on how we can create the beautiful lives we are meant to live.
I look forward to sharing on a more consistent basis in our blogs, messages, on Facebook and in the upgraded release of our new “Intuit and DO IT” Awareness and Manifesting Program (I AMP) – so you can AMP UP your commitment, inner power, awareness, compassion and your ability to manifest your dreams. New updates have recently been added to this new beta tested program and I invite you to join us and Know, Grow and Flow through life.
Spring has sprung. Nature is thawing and ready to express itself more fully. And so am I. To an insightful and productive 2018.
John Robson
Higher Awareness