Expanding Our Experience of Life

“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before we changed.”
~ Earl Nightingale ~

WOW! What a summer we’ve had! We sold our ravine home and moved to an 18th floor condo with lots of space and a great view of our river valley. We are no longer in the trees; we are now in the clouds overlooking a bigger picture of life, both natural and man-made.

The theme of our move is freedom. We have significantly downsized our belongings, letting go of many things that bound us to the past and that we no longer need. In moving to an apartment, we have also shed many house maintenance duties so we can focus on what is important to us – creating new ways of experiencing and manifesting life. Our downtown neighbourhood offers us easy access to a wealth of activities, services and new people. We can leave the car at home and walk to meet practically all of our wants and needs.

What’s really exciting is that we know our wider perspective from our new home reflects our willingness in consciousness to grasp the bigger picture. We know we are experiencing a profound shift in who we are and what we want to do.

Because we held such a clear inner vision, the whole process of finding a new place, releasing our old one and letting go of things from our past happened so easily. We consistently got more than we asked for and for less. (The first apartment we viewed was perfect!) It seemed we were always in the right places at the right times for the right reasons.

The life force is inherently expansive, and when we clearly know what we want and open to receive, the energy is there to carry us forward.

We’re now settled in our new location and eager to explore how this bigger picture will unfold. Our hearts’ desires lie in supporting you to create significant, positive change in your life. Stay tuned!

Step out of the box and experience life! Take the first step by visiting Higher Awareness.


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