Do You Have The Commitment To Follow Through?

“The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.” — Mack R. Douglas “If Columbus had turned back, no one would have blamed him. Of course, no one would have remembered him either.” — Source Unknown Have you mustered the courage to start something but …


4 Levels of Commitment to Life and Personal Development

“Give life meaning through your commitments.” — Paul Reinert How committed are you to what you do in your life? Strong commitment reflects a path with heart. A path with heart fills us up with meaning, purpose and often joy. We truly live life when we care deeply and engage …


– Here’s a great Personal Development road map for life…

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world — that is the myth of the atomic age — as in being able to remake ourselves.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi ~ We are often asked, “What is your favourite book? What book best overviews …


Know Yourself and Your Thinking Style!

How do you think? Do you think about how you think? When you know how you think, you will know areas that you are weak in and strong in. You can use your best skills when the need calls for them. And you will be much more appreciative of other …


Experiencing Challenges? Learn why you’re attracting them!

Are you often puzzled by what happens in your life? Do you wonder why you have experiences you do not really want? The Law of Attraction, a universal law, determines the kind and character of our experiences. And we participate in this law by our very nature. We attract what …


Big Changes Come with Little Steps

Are you longing for a major breakthrough in your life? To suddenly have all the qualities you have always dreamed of? Well, sorry, but life doesn’t work this way. And actually, that’s a good thing. Although we might want dramatic change, we wouldn’t be able to cope if it happened. …


Healing the Past with the 4 E’s

All of us carry wounds from the past. We may or may not be conscious of them. Either way, they inhibit our ability to embrace life. If we want more of life’s blessings, we need to heal our wounds – our repressed emotions and old patterns and limiting beliefs. How …

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