Emotional development is simpler than we think!

Each of us only has one or two major life lessons or challenges to overcome. Now it may have many symptoms and show its ugly face in different ways and in different relationships. But they all point to a major wounding in our youth that has created a deeply seated …


My journal is my best friend.

I can’t imagine who would allow me to totally ignore, abuse, laugh with, swear at, shed tears on, get angry at and be totally honest with him/her – other than my journal. My journal is a truly unconditional friend. It does not reject, manipulate, judge, laugh at or ridicule me. …


Do You Have The Commitment To Follow Through?

“The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.” — Mack R. Douglas “If Columbus had turned back, no one would have blamed him. Of course, no one would have remembered him either.” — Source Unknown Have you mustered the courage to start something but …


4 Levels of Commitment to Life and Personal Development

“Give life meaning through your commitments.” — Paul Reinert How committed are you to what you do in your life? Strong commitment reflects a path with heart. A path with heart fills us up with meaning, purpose and often joy. We truly live life when we care deeply and engage …

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