Daily Inspirational Quotes
Experience the transformative POWER of words
"Even a thought, even a possibility, can shatter and transform us." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
Daily transformational quotes and related coaching tips can change your life.
The right words can grab and hold our attention. They can open our hearts and our minds to new perspectives that expand our consciousness. And as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said, "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
We select only the best quotes that:
- hold the power to transform us
- unlock our own inner wisdom
- describe situations we know to be true at deep levels
- bring clarity, insights, inspiration and growth
- challenge and open us
- help us embrace dualities, paradox and multiple levels of meaning that expand connections in the mind.
"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." -- Pearl Strachan Hurd
How to use our quotes:
Take any of our 21 GROW Yourself workbooks or email programs with daily email support. Each email offers a quote or two and a coaching tip. Read each one and then STOP and THINK and feel and be aware. Does it touch you? Does it move you or stop you in your tracks? Quotes and new perspectives hold the power to trigger a shift in inner paradigms. To forge new connections in our minds. To open us up to the divine. Experience and enjoy!
Or try our Smart Question Coaching, for empowering questions supported by inspirational quotes daily. Just a few minutes in contemplation and journaling each day can have a powerful and lasting impact on the quality of our lives. The very act of questioning our assumptions, our thoughts, feelings and actions is the foundation for raising our consciousness.
"It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question." -- Decouvertes