The Gift of Acceptance

You may not believe this, but you are a miracle.

"Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles,
and each part and tag of me is a miracle."
-- Walt Whitman


All is perfect.

"Everything is perfect in the universe
-- even your desire to improve it."
-- Wayne Dyer


All is divine--including you.

"Accept the place the divine
providence has found for you."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Befriend yourself.

"Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything.
You are you and that is the beginning and the end
-- no apologies, no regrets."
-- Clark Moustakas


Be willing to own the reality of your life.

"… 'accepting' does not necessarily mean 'liking,'
'enjoying,' or 'condoning.' I can accept [the reality of]
what is -- and be determined to evolve from there.
It is not acceptance but denial that leaves me stuck."
-- Nathaniel Branden


Let go of resistance. 

" Resistance causes pain and lethargy. It is when we
practice acceptance that new possibilities appear."
-- Unknown Source


Open to happiness.

"Happiness … can exist only in acceptance."
-- Denis De Rougamont


You are perfect as you are…
and you know you can be more.

" To be what we are, and to become what we are
capable of becoming, is the only end of life."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson


Accept a bigger picture for yourself.

" The world would have you agree with its dismal dream
of limitation. But the light would have you soar like
the eagle of your sacred visions."
-- Alan Cohen


Celebrate yourself!

" The finest thing in the world is
knowing how to belong to oneself."
-- Michel de Montaigne


Accept yourself and others as they are.
All is perfect as it is.



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"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path 
without brightening our own."-- Ben Sweetland 

This is the second Gift of 7 from The Empowerment Series.
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